Centipedes in the house are dangerous. Deal with them with 8 methods. How to take care of yourself when bitten by a centipede.

Centipedes are arthropods that are commonly found in tropical and temperate countries. It is found that many people are bitten each year, especially during the rainy season when there is frequent flooding. They are considered one of the most frightening animals in the house. Let’s see how to chase large centipedes away from the house, how to prevent them, and how to take care of yourself when bitten by centipedes here.

Learn more about centipedes

Before going into how to repel centipedes from entering your home, let’s get to know this animal first. Centipedes are arthropods with long, segmented bodies that are flat and parallel to the ground. Most have a body length of 3-8 centimeters (some species are as long as 8-10 inches). They have one pair of legs coming out of each segment, making up a large number of 30-180. However, those found in Thailand usually have 21 segments and 40 legs, with the front pair of legs turning into poisonous fangs.

Eggs are laid in moist places or on plants or grasses. It takes a long time to grow, molting 10 times. Adults live for 3-5 years. During the day, they hide in damp places, such as under rocks, bark, or digging holes in the soil. They come out to look for prey at night, eating insects or animal carcasses.

How to keep centipedes from entering your home

There are many ways to keep centipedes from entering your home, both natural and chemical, as follows:

1. Raising chickens

If possible, raise chickens. This is a very effective way to repel centipedes. In addition to preventing centipedes from entering your home, chickens can also help get rid of centipedes.

2. Use soap to seal the drains.

One way centipedes often sneak into your home is through drains, whether in the bathroom or kitchen. An easy way to get rid of centipedes is to place soap on the drain cover. The slippery soap and alkaline nature of the soap will help repel centipedes.

3. Use wood vinegar

Wood vinegar, available at agricultural supply stores or some supermarkets, is another effective way to repel centipedes. Wood vinegar contains tar and resin.

When mixed with water and sprayed in areas where centipedes are expected to enter the house, it will effectively repel centipedes and other poisonous insects. However, when spraying, be careful not to let it get in the eyes or on the body because it is highly acidic.

4. Use caustic soda.

Caustic soda is a versatile product that can clean and prevent unwanted animals from entering your home. It is another way to repel centipedes from entering your home. Simply pour caustic soda into the drain or into the point where you expect centipedes to enter your home. This will drive the centipedes away.

5. Use lime.

Pour lime into the areas where centipedes are expected to enter the house or where centipedes are hiding, and you will be able to repel centipedes. If you mix in lime juice, it will be even more effective in repelling centipedes. And don’t forget to sprinkle lime frequently to keep centipedes away for longer.

6. Use toilet cleaner.

Another way to repel centipedes is by using chemicals. Simply sprinkle toilet cleaner powder along the drain or where you expect centipedes to enter your home. This will repel centipedes. However, be careful and warn people in the home, especially those with children, to be careful not to touch the toilet cleaner powder.

7. Use centipede repellent powder, centipede repellent blocks, centipede repellent spray.

Currently, there are many more convenient centipede repellent aids available in powder, block, and spray forms. They are very safe because they are extracted from herbs and will emit a special scent that will help repel centipedes from your home.

8. Avoid getting rid of centipedes by stepping on them or hitting them

Avoid getting rid of centipedes by stepping on or crushing them, as stepped centipedes release pheromones that attract other centipedes to the area where they died.

How to prevent centipedes from entering your home

Since centipedes are land animals, they like to live in damp places. When it rains and the water level rises and covers their habitats, centipedes may escape the water to dry areas, which are our homes. The way to prevent centipedes from entering the house is to close the gaps, grooves, or corners of the walls that have various marks.

Prevent centipedes from entering your home. Keep your living area clutter-free, remove food scraps, and control the number of insects to eliminate their food sources.

What to do if bitten by a centipede

If you have tried centipede repellent methods and still end up getting bitten by a centipede, here are some ways to deal with it:

Symptoms found after being bitten by a centipede

  1. The severity of symptoms depends on the size of the centipede bite. Centipede venom is usually not fatal.
  2. Most symptoms include pain, itching, swelling, redness, and heat at the bite site. A low-grade fever may also occur, and symptoms usually improve within 24 hours.
  3. Some people may experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, and swollen or tender lymph nodes. However, these symptoms will eventually resolve on their own.

How to care for yourself after a centipede bite

  1. Take medication to treat the symptoms, such as paracetamol to relieve pain, or take anti-itch medication.
  2. Wash the wound with clean water.
  3. Apply a thin layer of balm or common household medicine to the bitten area.
  4. If the pain is severe, apply warm water to the wound for 15-20 minutes, but be careful not to use water that is too hot.
  5. If you have a history of centipede venom allergy, have severe pain, shortness of breath, chest tightness, fatigue, fever, or swollen lymph nodes, see a doctor immediately.

However, the best way to get rid of centipedes is the same as getting rid of other unwanted animals in the house, which is to keep the house clean, not cluttered, and remove food scraps to prevent the house from becoming a place for these animals.


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